Southlawn United Methodist Church
Wednesday, February 05, 2025
Love God, Love Others, Serve One Other

Small Groups

Women's Crochet Group
Our purpose is to share the love of Christ as we create Prayer Shawls, Scarves, Hats and other items to be given to people in need. Over the last few years we have shared Prayer Shawls with loved ones, baby hats & blankets with Memorial & St. Joe Hospitals, Adult hats & blankets to our Veteran's Center and Memorial's Oncology department, Burial Gowns for Memorial Hospital, memorial blankets to Now I Lay Me Down to Sleep, and other items just because. We gather every Wednesday at 6:00 pm to knit, crochet, weave and any other way of manipulating yarn that you can think of.
Sunday School
Adult Sunday School class meets weekly following worship around 10:00 am. The class is currently led by Fran Ritter. Topics vary from specific Bible studies to topical studies. New participants are always welcome.
Men's Lunch Group
Meets monthly on the third Thursday of the month at 11:30 am. Locations vary. We welcome visitors. Contact the church office for location of next meeting.
Women's Fellowship
Meets monthly in the church parlor on the second Wednesday of the month (April - December) at 9:30 am. We welcome visitors. Includes educational programs and field trips. Contact the church office for more information.
Classical, Traditional and Modern anthems enlighten our worship once a month from September through May. Our choir practices on the Tuesday night prior to the third Sunday of the month and sings Sunday morning. Newcomers are always welcome.